Chess for the Boys

We know there are a good few boys already interested in chess in St. Anthony’s but now might be the time to give it a go if you have never played before. Here are two links to some chess pages. We will have more chess links next week for you. ♟♟♟♟♟♟
– Chessbud Ireland YouTube Channel – International Master Mark Quinn is planning to upload a new video each week for Irish primary school students who already know the basics of chess and are keen to learn new tactics and strategies. He has created three playlists for students to choose from: Beginner’s Mind (for students who understand the pieces and checkmate), Challengers and Masters. Where possible Mark will feature the tactics of Irish chess players. He is planning to upload weekly lessons for free during school closures.
– Chessossity (chess lessons, puzzles) is free for the next two months and they’re running a puzzle-solving championship until May 31st. For more information see this link  and then go to to register as a teacher, using the code ‘homeschool’

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